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How to plan your New Years Resolution for success.

How many times have we all been there the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve and with great excitement we declare our New Years Resolution. Maybe it’s to get fit, lose weight, stop drinking, find that new job or start that new business.

We start working with enthusiasm and things are going great, but as we get to mid January things start getting harder. Life starts getting in the way and before we know it we have just about given up. We then fall back into the rat race and consign the resolution to the bin for another year.

But what if this year it’s was different, what if this time next year you could look back and say I did it? Here’s how to do it…

Write it down.

If we keep it in our idea in our brain its more likely to just remain a dream and not a achievable goal, the likely hood is it will be quickly forgotten. Instead write it down somewhere you can review it every day. Maybe in a nice new notebook or even your notes app on your phone. Make sure you write it down really clearly something like -

I want to get my weight down to 11 stone by the end of 2024 or I will be in a new job by the end of 2024.


Next write down why you want to do this but don't just accept the first thing that comes to your head. Ask yourself several times to really get to why you are really doing it. If you are struggling with the why ask yourself what if you dont make this change? What happens? Do I like those outcomes? The more connection you have to your why the more likely you are to move forward on it even on those days where you can't be bothered.

Breaking it all down.

The big goal for the year can often seem to far away and daunting. it becomes easier to say I'll start next week or next month and before we know it another year has gone by.

Instead look at your goal and ask how can this be broken down into 4 stages.  Think of the year as 4 quarters Q1 - Jan-Mar, Q2 - Apr-June, Q3 - July-Sept, Q4 - Oct-Dec. Now take those 4 stages and plan one per quarter. Let’s take starting a side business it may look something like this:

Q1: Build my website

Q2: Learn how to market online.

Q3: Launch my product

Q4: Review how things are going and make any changes.

The above is exactly the same if you are trying to loose 4 stone, aim for 1 stone per quarter for example.

The How.

Now forget the other quarters and focus on Q1. Get a piece of paper and brainstorm all the things you need to do to make it happen big or small.  Once you have it all down ask yourself out of all of these things what are the things that will really move this forward. These are the big rocks and the things you need to be working on. Now ask yourself what rock do I need to do first to make a start this week. All the smaller things can still happen but these can fit around your big rocks. Now over the next week focus on that big rock, schedule time in your calendar when you will complete it.

you complete your first rock the next week you start the next as momentum starts to build.

Daily Momentum

Every day read your goal and your why, spend 2 minutes and really visualise how this will look when you complete it, how does it feel, what are people saying to you, how is it changing your life.

Where possible try and work on your goal everyday, even its just for 30 minutes, this will keep you very connected as you build momentum day after day, week after week.


At the end of each week ask yourself did you complete what you said you would, if you did great. Pick your next rock for the following week. If you didn’t, ask your self why? Be kind but honest with yourself, ask how can I ensure I succeed next week and go again. Just don’t give up.

At the end of each month check in with the goal for the quarter how is it going? Is it going well or do you need to change your plan.

As you get to the end of Q1,  review how far you have come. Are you ready to go for your next Q2 goal or do you need more time? Don't forget to reward yourself if you managed to complete what you set out to do. Then starting planning Q2 again and repeat, as the quarters, months and weeks tick by you will be making progress to that big goal.

Creating a clear plan for you goals is a big part of coaching. If you would like help to achieve your goals in 2024 get in touch for a free 1 hour introductory session.

Happy New Year.

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